- Each of these proposals deserves a vote in congress .
- 这些提案都理应获得国会投票的机会。
- It should be unconscionable for legislators to vote in favor of legislation they have not had the opportunity to read .
- 对立法者来说,为一项他们连阅读机会都没有的法案投下赞成票非常不合情理。
- And italy 's prime minister now faces yet another do-or-die vote in parliament .
- 而且这位意大利总理现在还将面对另一场议会的生死表决。
- Eu officials say the bloc is likely to vote in favor of the duties .
- 欧盟官员称,欧盟很可能会对此项报复性关税案投赞成票。
- Mr. ouattara is the u.n. - certified winner of a presidential vote in november .
- 瓦塔拉是联合国认可的去年11月总统选举的获胜者。
- Irish citizens can vote in british elections .
- 爱尔兰居民可以为大不列颠选举投票。
- The elderly vote in greater numbers than the young .
- 年长者比年轻人更多的参与了投票。
- Muscovites vote in the russia 's first presdential elections .
- 莫斯科,俄罗斯的第一次总统选举投票。
- Its referendum produced a narrow vote in favour of the maastricht treaty .
- 而它的公投显示,支持玛斯垂克条约的投票稍占优势。
- By some reckonings they could get 5-10 % of the vote in parliamentary elections planned for september .
- 根据一些估计,在预定于9月举行的议会选举中,他们可能获得5-10%的选票。